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Document Scanning And Digitization Services

Aazadi Mahotsav Image

Digitization Service

With technology transforming every industry, digitization has become the new norm. Be it bills, documents, or invoices, everything has shifted from paper to digital solutions. For companies, understanding consumer behavior and purchase patterns have become crucial to be able to sell their products effectively. Digitization services allow access to all these factors while also giving companies an overview of their own process efficiencies and production power.

Benefits of digitization services :

  • Reduction in transcription errors
  • Easy access to information
  • Limit access to sensitive information
  • Integrated business systems for improved transparency
  • Reduced expenses on staff management
  • Reduced risk of physical document damage
  • Faster data search and data mining

Digitization services :

  • Document screening
  • Document scanning
  • Formatting and indexing
  • Custom data conversion

Digitalization of business helps to improve the efficiency of its process, consistency, and quality. It can: Integrate conventional records or files into a digitalized form, eliminating redundancies and shortening of communications chain. Improve and facilitate a better informational exchange.

Digitization, utilizing advanced techniques like scanners and OCR tools, involves converting physical information into a digital format, enabling automatic extraction and storage in a computer-readable repository. These services securely transform diverse business assets such as blueprints, medical records, contracts or student records into digital files enhancing productivity and fostering collaboration among team members. It serves as the initial step for organizations embarking on their digital transformation journey. Manual extraction from paper documents is not only costly and inefficient but also prone to errors.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a scanning technology that identifies alphanumeric characters on a page so information can be ‘read’ and searched once converted to digital. In other words, it turns scanned information into readable information. This is important because OCR makes it possible to index documents based on certain tags and fields. That makes finding the information you need from your digital files fast and easy. OCR plays a critical role in high-volume document scanning. Without search capability, scanned documents are simply pictures that aren’t easy to find.
Paper documentation takes up space and unless photocopied, only exists in a single location. To add, physical limitations make paper documents and other media more difficult for employees or customers to access, with difficulties compounding for businesses that operate on a global scale. By digitizing media, organizations can provide important documents on network servers and customer portals, dramatically speeding up access to information and decreasing service times.
Yes, scanning services can be provided both onsite and offsite, depending on the client's comfort and preferences. Some clients may prefer onsite scanning, where the service is conducted at their own premises. This option offers convenience and allows for direct oversight of the process. On the other hand, offsite scanning involves sending the documents to SDMS scanning facility. This option is chosen by clients who prioritize efficiency and may not have the space or resources for onsite services. Ultimately, the choice between onsite and offsite scanning is flexible and tailored to accommodate the comfort and specific needs of each client.
Black and white scanning is binary, using only black and white colors, while grayscale scanning introduces shades of gray to capture a broader range of tones. The choice between these modes depends on the level of detail or color information needed in the final scanned image. Monochrome is often preferred for text-based documents, while grayscale is suitable for images and documents with varying shades of gray
Documents such as paper records, photographs, business contracts, educational materials, medical files, legal documents like court cases, manuscript, historical artifacts, audio recording, microfilms, property deeds, mortgage papers, loan-related documents. etc. can be scanned using specialized scanners.
Digitized documents are easier to recover in case of natural disasters or accidents, improving overall disaster recovery capabilities.
The digitization process involves several key steps to seamlessly convert physical documents into electronic formats:
  • Document Preparation: Documents are sorted, organized, and labeled for identification before the digitization process commences.
  • Selection of Scanners for scanning: Deployment of scanners are done in line with the types of documents and size of the documents etc. Specialized scanners are used to capture high-quality digital images of each document, converting the physical content into a digital format.
  • Quality Control: The digitized images undergo a quality control check to ensure accuracy, clarity, and completeness.
  • Data Entry: If required, relevant information from the documents is extracted and entered into digital formats, enhancing search ability.
  • Indexing and Metadata Creation: Documents are indexed with keywords, and metadata is added for efficient organization and quick retrieval
  • Delivery: Digitized files are delivered in the chosen digital format, such as PDF or JPG, or integrated into existing document management systems.
  • Project timelines are fully dependent on the factors like document volume, document sizes, formats, and condition of the documents etc. These factors can impact the time needed for digitization. Generally, small projects may take weeks, while larger ones can extend to months or years.
    The Security of the documents during digitization is maintained through various measures, like access controls, secure facilities, encryption, secure scanning equipment, data backups, auditing, employee training and secure digital storage.
    Yes. Digitization streamlines workflows, enhances collaboration and facilitates remote work by making documents easily accessible.